Photo of Princeton Cemetery
Tree Inspiration at the Princeton Cemetery, G. Chalker, 2022

“We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.” — Marshall McLuhan, Medium is the Message, 1967

Our videos are hosted on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Asfintit/videos. We are real people living in central New Jersey, coming together to form an artistic collective. If you are a creative and interested in getting involved write to Geo Chalker, geochalker@antimattersfilms.com.

Our Message: The story of the universe holds many secrets. During the big bang, it took one more particle of matter to counter the forces of total annihilation.  That came to be known as dark matter. If it weren’t for this one anomaly, our whole galaxy would never have existed.[1]  That revelation caused us to form our name — Antimatters Films. We hope our films are the creative spark that takes the world off in a better direction.

It is anarchy, a directional path away from the whole, something that’s not like the other. It is called liberty. We have a mission to tell stories that hold this type of impact. We want to cause an epiphany. We are happy if our films inspire. What helps people to think differently? This was our theme in the beginning and continues today. It is about story-telling and changing perspectives. We want to highlight the quiet voices, present their journeys, and have no commercial constraints.

What creates the energy that starts a dialogue of change? How do you become that one particle that takes us off in another direction? You get people out of their heads and offer them a new perspective. Give someone new knowledge and they will grow in spirit. Spiritualist Deepak Chopra claims life to be both subjective and objective.[2]  “In order to be happy and healthy, he suggests we process both perspectives. We are surrounded by both the spiritual and the concrete.” Change can starts with you. We must become a more caring and loving world. Steer ourselves away from the evils of profitability. Let’s move away from 20th century thinking, and embrace the 21st. Some believe a new era of understanding is on its way.

Antimatters also aims to be compilers for the next generation. It is our intention to ask many questions but to leave more clues than answers. Each generation must find its own voice. We hope that we found ours and have something pertinent to say now.